Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring at last!!!

We made it through vacation and the following week adjustment. Brody has a hard time getting back to school, only lasts a few minutes, and I think I cry longer than he does. Gets easier everyday, for him at least.

Had Josh's conference and he's exactly where he needs to be for a Kindergartner. His teacher said he's a good, sweet boy. We know that and it's nice to see his teacher knows him the way we know him.

We have a lot going on right now. We are trying to get things going for the Autism Speaks Walk on June 7th. We are very excited about this year. Last year was tough, kind of our 'coming out' for the autism thing. Finally embracing the whole situation. Anyway, we had donations for more than $3,000 and would love to do more this year.

We are also working on the gluten free/casein free diet for Brody. We do need to get him allergy tested, but we have started the diet transition because it can take months to get switched over. Very long, tedious process, but we feel we need to try this. We are really hoping his belly issues will improve and anything else is a bonus. Should take about three months to get Brody completely on the diet. Then we need to have him on the diet for another three months, or more, to see any response. Cross your fingers!! His poor belly needs more than just the meds he's on.