Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day before Turkey Day

Yesterday was a fun day.....Josh had his Kindergarten Fall Feast at school. The kids made some crafts and Josh's teacher, Ms. Baver, is a great guitar player so the kids all sang songs for the visitors. Now I have the song 'Turkey in the Hay' in my head permanently. I woke up at 4 am with that song. UUGH!! Josh was singing at school but I noticed he was a little embarrassed with all the people there. Is he growing up?? I could see him turning into a teenager before my eyes, and not just because he was the tallest kid in his class!! I know many of the parents who don't know Josh think he is older than he is. I should have brought my camera. Bummer. Anyway, Josh and I came home and looked up the song on the Internet and he and I danced around (and he boxed) to the song, so it's actually my own fault that I have this crazy song in my head. So of course, out at the bus today I had Delany, Josh and Emily and we were singing the song, and I was saying their names instead of 'turkey' and they laughed. Was hysterical actually. Nothing like silliness waiting for the bus!

Brody was sooo tired when I picked him up from school. He really works so hard and is learning so much. It's amazing how much he wants to learn and loves school. If he is playing with one of his computer things in the morning I'll say 'time for school' he will shut off the computer and walk over to me ready to go!! Anyway, Maga and Papa watched him while I went to Josh's feast and they took him for a ride. He slept for about 45 minutes in the car, he needed it! He isn't really taking naps anymore but he needs the rest on some days desperately. Later when Mark was home he was watching a show and was turning off the TV and said 'ook' a couple of times, asking for Mark to read him a book! Mark got him to say 'book' and then they read a bunch of them. This is HUGE!! Requesting something and saying the word!!! He wants to talk and tries so hard. He has come a long way and we are so excited for him!

I can't wait for turkey and mashed potatoes with tons of gravy. Gotta run to the store.

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