Monday, December 1, 2008

I am posting this for myself so I don't forget...

I went in to pick up Brody from school as usual and he ran in to do the letters on the magnetic board like he does everyday. The letters for BRODY were there along with a couple others, he grabbed a G and ran up to me and said "G". I said the yeh, G thing and he went back to the letters. He was still holding onto the G, grabbed a D and an O, holding them awkwardly in both hands and looking at them, then looked up at me and said "DOG!" Holy crap, yes, he had the letters spelled out in his hands and said the word!!! His Para Cindy looked at me and we both started to giggle and couldn't believe him!

Another really cool thing that went on today with Brody was he has started playing this game with my where he dives onto me when I'm on the couch. He runs up, stops next to me, looks right at me and waits for me to put my arms out to catch him. Well tonight Mark and Josh went to the UCONN basketball game so it was just Brody and me. He was running into the kitchen and then running back to me to catch him and at one point I started saying "Brody, where are you?" and he came running in. Then this was the way the game went, he would wait for me to say his name and if I didn't do it, he would peek around the corner and look at me and grin and then still wait! Oh my goodness was it sooooo cute! We had a fun night.

Also, Mark called me from the game before it started and told me Josh was picked to be the ball boy for the UCONN game. Josh said he was too shy to do it. I think he was tired and it was a little intimidating to say the least in that big stadium. Poor guy. Anyway, I will post pics later...I put husky paws on Josh's hands and one on his cheek. He looked adorable!! He is going to be a mess tomorrow, ugh! Oh well.

Didn't I say these guys are amazing!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kids will amaze us when we least expect it. That's when it's the absolute best!