Saturday, December 6, 2008

Whachya doin', eatin' chicken??

Yes, Brody has started eating chicken nuggets!! Once again, a HUGE milestone in the eating area. For those of you who don't know Brody's history, he has low tone throughout his body, delayed gastric emptying and reflux....all of these have caused problems for him eating and digesting. I won't get in to graphic details, but it's been a tough road for everybody and very messy. Anyway, we have tried everything we could possible to get him eating somewhat typical foods. We hit a wall. This past summer I attended the Autism Series at Yale to see a Doctor and a OT who work with kids on the spectrum with eating and feeding issues. I talked with Kristen Powers (yes, Dr. Power's wife for those of you familiar with him) and she said I should call the center she has in Glastonbury and she would bump him up on the waiting list. Well, she did it! I'm not sure if the fact that she saw me in tears in the hall after I spoke with her helped, but if that's what it takes, I can cry for that!! I do it so often anyway!! Brody goes to the feeding clinic on Friday mornings at 8:15 am with Mark and a ton of different foods in a cooler. They work on getting him used to eating things in a very systematical way. Where we hit the wall, they know all the tricks to get around it. He is doing so well, thanks to all the work Mark does doing eating trials with him all the time. I am the one who just tries to get food in the kid and make it through the day, Mark is really working hard with Brody to get him eating different foods. Now I just remembered more people on Brody's team to get presents for. Talk about "takes a village", geez!!! For those of you who's kids will only eat chicken nuggets and hot dogs, you are soooo lucky!! I can't wait for those days!! Kinda kidding.....

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